Tongue Tie and Lip Tie in Children

April 26, 2024

Understanding and Treating Tongue Tie and Lip Tie in Children


Many parents are concerned about tongue tie and lip tie, conditions that can affect a child's feeding, speech, and dental development. In this post, we will explore what these conditions entail, how they can impact your child, and the effective treatments available at our San Diego clinic.

What are Tongue Tie and Lip Tie?

Tongue tie (ankyloglossia) occurs when the strip of skin connecting the underside of the tongue to the floor of the mouth is shorter than usual. This can limit the tongue's movement and can be problematic for feeding, speech, and oral hygiene.

Lip tie involves a similar band of tissue that attaches the upper lip to the gums above the upper teeth. A significant lip tie can restrict lip movement and has its own set of challenges, including difficulties with breastfeeding in infants and potential issues with dental spacing and gum recession in older children.

Signs and Symptoms

Parents might notice certain symptoms that suggest tongue tie or lip tie:

  • Difficulty latching during breastfeeding
  • Gaps between teeth, especially the front teeth
  • Challenges with speech or certain sounds
  • Frequent gum inflammation or dental decay due to inadequate oral hygiene

Diagnosis and Consultation

Diagnosing tongue tie and lip tie involves a simple visual and physical examination, which can be performed in our San Diego clinic. During your visit, we assess the anatomy of your child’s mouth, discuss symptoms, and evaluate the necessity for treatment based on how the ties are affecting eating, speech, and oral hygiene.

Treatment Options

The primary treatment for significant tongue tie or lip tie is a procedure known as a frenectomy. This quick and effective treatment involves:

  1. Laser Frenectomy: We use a precise laser to release the tie. This method is highly preferred due to its minimal bleeding, reduced need for anesthesia, and quick healing time.
  2. Traditional Frenectomy: Occasionally, a traditional surgical approach may be necessary, depending on the specifics of the tie and tissue involved.

Post-Treatment Care and Recovery

Recovery from a frenectomy is typically swift. We provide detailed aftercare instructions to ensure a smooth healing process. Most children can return to normal feeding and activities the same day. Follow-up visits are important to monitor healing and the effectiveness of the procedure in improving symptoms.

Why Choose Us?

Choosing the right pediatric dentist for your child's frenectomy is crucial. Our San Diego-based clinic specializes in pediatric dental care, including the management of tongue tie and lip tie. We combine expertise with a gentle, child-friendly approach to make the experience as comfortable as possible for both you and your child.


If you suspect your child has a tongue tie or lip tie, or if they are showing symptoms that might suggest these conditions, don't hesitate to contact us. Early intervention can make a significant difference in your child’s oral health and development. Schedule a consultation today to discuss how we can help your child thrive.

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